How to Spruce Up a New Home Before You Move In

Moving into a new home is a process that requires a significant amount of work and planning. One of the first things you'll probably want to do is make sure that your property is as clean and hygienic as possible before you start unpacking boxes.
Taking a few hours to spruce up your home towards the beginning can ensure that you have fewer germs and other problems to worry about when you simply want to sit down, relax, and enjoy the benefits of home ownership, no longer having to worry about the questionable habits your roommates had!
1. Start by Scrubbing Sinks and Toilets
One of the first things you'll need to do is clean anything that you're going to be using in the bathroom and kitchen. For the sake of hygiene, it's important to make sure everything is absolutely sparkling before you start unpacking toilet roll and plates. Green Clean Atlanta use only environmentally friendly cleaning products and we recommend that you should too. Use a pair of rubber gloves if you need to, but get into every nook and cranny possible.
Keep an eye out for signs of mildew and mold in the bathrooms and kitchens that might need special attention too!
2. Wash the Walls
Unless the previous owners in your new home recently painted the interior walls, there's a good chance that you're going to want to get rid of a few smudges and hand-prints before you start decorating. Look for fingerprints closer to the floor, and around corners or light switches - these will be particularly prominent in homes that used to house children.
Prepare for a greener future by staying away from any dangerous chemical substances that may fill your new property with fumes, and be ready to use some elbow-grease to get rid of any particularly stubborn marks.
3. Thoroughly Mop the Floors
If you're moving into a property that has carpets everywhere, you might want to consider hiring a professional cleaner who can steam clean the fabric for you. After all, there's a good chance that these carpets have been well-used in the past, and you might want to make sure that they're fully free of germs before you start relaxing on them yourself.
On the other hand, hardwood and laminate flooring options are far easier to clean yourself. In fact, you can even mix up a solution to get the floors shining with some water, and half a cup of white vinegar. Remember to sweep away any dust and debris before you start mopping or you'll end up with streaks that make your job far more difficult.
4. Open the Windows
Finally, a lot of people moving into a new property convince themselves that they need to douse the rooms with air fresheners and chemical scents just to get rid of that previously "lived-in" smell. However, the best way to freshen up your house naturally is simply to open the doors and windows while you work so that you can let the great outdoors in.
If you're worried about bugs, you can always keep the blinds or curtains closed to prevent too many flying insects from coming inside while you work.
Sound like a lot of work? That’s because it is, but luckily Green Clean Atlanta can take care of all of it for you, so instead of stressing out and working hard to clean your house after your move (as if moving isn’t stressful enough already!) call Green Clean Atlanta for a quote. They don’t just clean homes, they are also experts and well known for office cleaning and all other commercial cleaning.
Thanks to our friends at Bellhops for writing this post